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vendredi 17 décembre 2010

Quick update

Last polishing session of the lifeboat this morning, essentially the handrails on the companionway going down to the sickbay, and the protective rails in the engine room. Super shiny for the moment, but greasy or salty hands are the norm when working the boat, so the metalwork won't stay like that for long. Still, it gives me something physical to do, keeps me warm in the unseasonable arctic blast, and whiles away the time before going under the knife.

Just a day or two before hitting the clinic at Mougins for the third time this autumn. Though I could conceivably get out before, I'll be spending Christmas in hospital, as a precaution, for the kind of plumbing I am going in for sometimes involves readmissions, when patients are released too early. By Christmas itself, apart from nosocomial incarceration and a catheter probably still in situ, I should be feeling reasonably OK again. May be wearing a nappy, though, to start with.

The BH will be having a lonely if busy 'holiday', retracing during the school break the same route to get to the clinic she normally takes to go to work. Still, it's good to think that the Munich, Brussels and London contingents will be able to spend the festivities together.

I will be glad to get home for Hogmanay, though it will be back to the old routine of self administered anti blood clot jabs and twice weekly blood tests.

2 commentaires:

  1. cher Jon,
    Do you know the Georges Simenon polar, Liberty Bar, with Maigret as the police detective? It is set near where you live and I am trying to find out if the novel's locations are known by any locals there. Any info or contacts gratefully received.

    Hope the op went well!

    Warmest wishes from Plymouth

  2. The BH has just got Liberty Bar out of the library for me. I'll have a look and start questioning locals.
