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dimanche 13 mars 2011

Let them eat...

Walking past the charming little primary school not far from our house, I saw the week's canteen menu posted up outside. It looked mouthwatering and extremely varied. These kids were being taught how to eat.

I couldn't help comparing it with the experience of my own kids in Scotland (best education system in the wurruld, as we were repeatedly told), where they had been obliged to eat damp homemade sandwiches, whilst sitting on the cruddy tarmac of the playground, whatever the weather (and Edinburgh certainly has weather!).

Click twice on the image to read it, and salivate...

1 commentaire:

  1. It reminds me of my time in the army... well, the afternoon being fed saucisson and wine at the consulate. They made us watch a recruitment video for the various branches of the French military, and the one for the Marine nationale featured mealtime on the Charles-de-Gaulle. The tars were apparently being fed asparagus for starter that day, followed by steak. It made a life in the navy sound quite bearable.
