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lundi 4 avril 2011


Just finished manning the SNSM stand at the Underwater Photography exhibition at the Fort Carré. Charlie, Lucien, Jean-Charles, Nicolas and Alain were also there, and a pretty boring time for everyone it was, too.

For some reason, French people assume that the lifeboat service is state-run, and, since they pay their taxes (well, a lot of them around here don't, one way and another), there is absolutely no need to dip into their pockets. Mean sods, on the whole...

It felt like begging, as people avoided eye contact with us and subtly changed direction so as not to be within hailing distance. The only people with an open mind, and a genuine curiosity, were the kids. Talking to them far outweighed, in terms of satisfaction, the ennui of dealing with their parents.

1 commentaire:

  1. All the female visitors to the stand commented on the very elegant posterior of the beach lifeguard in the left hand poster.
