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mardi 26 juillet 2011

Modified Behaviour

The BH was none too happy, earlier in the year, when a pair of doves ransacked her window boxes, pecking out all the new shoots and flowers in bud. They were ravenous and shameless, occasionally waddling into our living room seeking further goodies, and staring back at us impudently when we tried to shoo them out.

Only one solution: get them to eat something else, and as far as possible from the window boxes. Doves and pigeons are like very simple computers. A little knowledge of Avian Basic programming and the solution was solved.

I have trained the pair of them to eat breadcrumbs from my hand, up on the roof terrace. They have got so used to pecking at morsels held between my fingers that now they look puzzled when we scatter the crumbs from the breadbasket on the tiles. Food is when you get it straight from the hand.

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