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lundi 19 septembre 2011

Garoupe Signal Station

No pictures in this post. I was too busy up at the signal station, helping out with doors open day. The queue to get into the observation tower was really long and slow moving, and the coastguards had plenty to do in the normal run of things, let alone the weekend when the public is unleashed amongst their radars, computers and giant binoculars (hint: I wouldn't mind a set for Christmas, but our floors would need to be reinforced to carry the weight). Ideal conditions, then, to do a bit of propaganda on behalf of the lifeboat service.

Our star turn, as it happened, was explaining what was in an inflatable liferaft. We had inflated one just outside the gates, and had displayed the survival gear, including the rations. The kids really liked the emergency rations, particularly the biscuit. I told them they shared their approval with my feathered friends.

Charlie, normally a chap of few words, surprised us all by demonstrating a real talent for sales chat, in French. Boy, did he move a lot of merchandise at the lifeboat stand.

As ever, the coastguards were charming company, and it was nice putting faces to the voices we hear over the radio when out at sea on rescues.

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