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dimanche 15 novembre 2009


Despite one or two interesting examples of ecclesiastic architecture, and a colourful pilgrimage of fisherfolk to the sanctuary of Our Lady of La Garoupe, Antibes does not strike us as a particularly religious place. A strange setting, therefore, for a very small 'miracle'.

The BH had gone into the penny bazaar on the Place Nationale. Her mission was to find a kitchen roll dispenser, and she found one, which meant queueing quite a while to pay. Meanwhile, Yours Truly was hanging out in the Place, loitering without intent.

I noticed somebody staring at one of the plane trees which cosy up incongruously to immense palm trees in the square. What was he looking at? I took a closer look.

Somebody had nailed, in the distant past, a small cruxifix to the tree, and the bark had begun to grow over the body, a living cross.

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