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vendredi 2 avril 2010

Feeding the five thousand

Though everybody speaks about the ecological crisis of the Mediterranean - chemical dumping, spread of aggressive foreign seaweeds, loss of coral, plagues of jellyfish, collapse of tuna and leatherback turtle populations, the basic fact remains that the sea here never fails to offer surprises.

Down at the slipway in the Port Vauban, near where the volunteer lifeboatmen were knocking back their pastis after a morning's work on the lifeboat, I happened to see what looked like a squall crossing the harbour, but in the wrong direction for the prevailing, quite cold wind.

Closer inspection revealed poutine, whitebait, in biblical quantities, enough for quite a few miracles of the five thousand (John 6: 5-15). Why the normally voracious seagulls and terns weren't wise to this abundance beats me, unless they also, like the five thousand who left behind twelve basketfuls of crumbs, were helplessly replete at 10 am.

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