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vendredi 18 juin 2010

Highrise housing

The yachts and superyachts in Antibes harbour are one version of the wet dream of the immoderately rich. Another version, of demential dimensions, was briefly anchored yesterday outside in the roads, within view of the marvelous Nomad statue of Jaume Plensa.

It turns out that the ship, called something naff like World ResidenSea, is essentially a floating block of flats, in which the nervous rich can live out their lives in apparent security, surrounded by all the things you really need, like golf courses, nail extension salons, bar room piano crooners and the like. Not to mention serious and probably armed close protection. Sounds like a luxury version of those prison hulks the previous Tory government briefly toyed with, like HMP Weare (see first photo). Not my idea of fun, being cooped up, day in day out, with that kind of person: as Sartre wrote in Huis clos, "L'enfer c'est les autres".

What price a mutiny on the Bounty? With millionaires not breadfruit being jettisoned overboard... A little swim to shore would provide more health benefits than any number of personal trainers. Mind you, who would pay to clean up the beaches afterwards?

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