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vendredi 27 mai 2011

Boatyard for Brittany

Tomorrow I'm off to the Morbihan with CaraMed, an umbrella organisation grouping together various local associations of historic small craft of the Mediterranean. We were going to take the Virginie, a Corsican felouque, and we had spent the last week scraping and painting her so that she would be pretty and watertight for her moment of glory. But at the last minute there was a hitch in the transport arrangements for her, and so we are going to cadge a ride on the other boats. This suits me, as quite a lot of them are lateen rigged, and I am really curious to see how they behave. I suspect not that well behaved...

The picture shows the Virginie being lifted out of the water. The crane driver and his female side-kick were fantastic: it takes real skill not to kill people in a situation like this. Working in a dockyard is unbelievably hard work, but repaid by a real sense of solidarity with the others working there.

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