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samedi 8 mai 2010


In my impecunious days as a student in Italy, I sometimes found myself eating horse, and occasionally donkey (the latter usually in the form of sausages). Various friends, regaled with these stories, decades later, refused to believe that Eee Aw could be eaten, even by Italians, and especially by me.

Well, Antibes is close enough to Italy to have lots of Italian spoken in the street, and plenty of Italian, or Italianate food in the shops and market. Passing through the superette today, I came across proof that my story of donkey sausage was not just an example of Welsh fibbery. So, here, as an exclusive in Antiboiseries, after 'saucissonnage' comes 'âneries'.

When I pointed out this delicacy to the BH, she made me promise never to feed it to her unawares. She had good memories of donkey-minding when working as an olive picker in central Italy. The packaging is pretty cute, though, and makes the mouth water somewhat, if you have onophagic tendencies like myself.

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