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samedi 15 mai 2010

Carte Vitale, encore...

Long-time readers of Antiboiseries will remember that from time to time I have mentioned the saga of my application for the Carte Vitale, a microchip-bearing health card which you need to see a doctor or get prescriptions from the chemist. The sorry sequence started in January 2009, and has involved numerous letters, phonecalls and false alarms. It has certainly raised my blood pressure.

Well, yesterday, I received through the post a Carte Vitale. Who knows whether it works or not, but it is a reassuring shade of vile green and loud yellow, and it has a wee portrait of Yours Truly in the top right hand corner. As with all things to do with French officialdom, there are no instructions on how to use it, only boasts about how wonderful it is.

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