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samedi 16 mai 2009

Back on line

Back on line after rocambolesque problems with Orange/France Télécom. They had cut us off without warning almost as soon as we had moved, but not without first having sent an invoice for all their 'work', described in heavy engineering terms as 'constructing' our line. Or reinstating, with a flick of a switch at the exchange, a number and a line already there.

When we rang their commercial arm, they said it was a technical problem, when we rang the technical support line, they said it was a contractual issue. Both lots blamed us, mostly, and left us rudely in the lurch (as well as out of pocket, as the helplines for their incompetence are at commercial rates).

After two weeks of frustration, I finally got through to somebody who, probably pissed off with her employer, agreed with us, saw that something was wrong at their end, actually took down the details, and promised to do something about it (whilst all along blaming every lapse in service standards, Midi fashion, on Tunisians and others of a bronzed persuasion).

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