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jeudi 21 mai 2009

Production artisanale

Out for a stroll this evening: weather perfect, though the air a little humid. Crowds of locals mixed with the usual foreigners, all looking for simple pleasures. The foreigners headed for the bars just inside the curtain walls. The locals, on the other hand, avoided the various chemical factories masquerading as ice cream parlours and headed straight for the 'Gelateria del porto'. This modest enterprise, tucked into a wall next to the Bibliothèque Antiboulenque, makes its own concoctions, according to what is available from the Marché Provençal. The BH chose Nougat et Miel, whilst Monsieur chose Fleur de lait (presumably the translation of fiordilatte). Needless to say, the effect on the tastebuds was worth the walk, and we consumed the delight whilst gazing across the moonlit bay of Nice. Not bad for 2,50 euros....

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